Abstract Guidelines


Abstract Submission Deadline : 12.07.2019

Abstracts should be sent online from the congress website (bilimveyaratilis.igdir.edu.tr). Submissions sent by e-mail or mail independently of the system will not be accepted. An informational message will be sent to your e-mail address after receiving your Abstract e-mail. For technical support or inquiries during the submission, you can contact the congress page via e-mail at iby@igdir.edu.tr


Note: Acceptance of abstracts does not mean that full of paper of abstract will be accepted!


Full Paper Submission Deadline: 30.09.2019


Abstract Submission Writing Rules:

It is mandatory for Turkish authors to write abstracts in Turkish and English. Foreign national authors are left to their own choice in Turkish abstracts. The abstract should not exceed 300 words in total and should not be lower than 150 words. Abstracts should include the methods used, findings and conclusions.

If an abbreviation is used in the abstract, the abbreviated name should be specified in parentheses.

Abstracts should include at least 3 and at most 6 keywords.

Evaluation of Submission Abstracts

Deadline for Submission of Acceptance Letter: 30.07.2019

The evaluation will be made by the congress executive board and field coordinators, keeping the name / surnames and institutions of the researchers confidential via the congress web page. The Scientific Committee has the right to accept or reject the notifications. The evaluation result will be sent to all notification holders by e-mail until July 30, 2019.

The submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria.

  • Does the submission content fit the purpose and concept of the congress?
  • Is the abstract of submissions an original study with a contribution to the science?
  • Does the abstract of submission adequately reflect the titles of the Turkish and foreign titles, the issue of the submission and its content?
  • Does the abstract include the purpose of working, the methods used, findings and results?
  • Does findings and results within the submission fit the purpose, title and context of the research?
  • Does the abstract of submission adequately reflect the aim, the issue, the content, findings and results of the submission?
  • If an abbreviation is used in the abstract of submission, is the abbreviated name specified in parentheses?
  • Does the abstract of submission include irrelevant or unnecessary information within the aim and content of the congress?
  • Abstracts of submission will be published in the congress abstract submission booklet.